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Non-violence in food

Recently, someone posted a message on a WhatsApp group of friends from my school. The post spoke about a vegetarian diet, plus it also talked about not eating things like yoghurt because eating yoghurt could kill the bacteria that live in it. One of the friends on the...

Don’t Just ‘Survive’ … Thrive!

Some days ago, I was speaking with a friend who lives near Delhi. She was going through a rough patch, and I offered some words of support. She said: “Don’t worry Mangesh, I’ll survive. I know this about myself: I’m a survivor.” I found...

The Colours Of Love

We often hear statements of this kind: “I love him as I would a brother”, “You are my best friend”, “I love her, but not in that way” As children, we grow up hearing such things, pick them up and file them away to be used as part of...

Who is the Guru?

An interesting word that most people with a spiritual bent of mind will have come across is “Guru”. It is a Sanskrut word originally, and has been adopted into the English language to mean “an expert, an authority or a master in a particular area of...

Why I Became A Vegetarian

In every life, there are events which alter the course of the future: some in small ways, others dramatically. Some decisions we make in a particular moment seem to be influenced by a specific factor that has our immediate attention, but in hindsight, we are often...